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AMD Kerlix Rolls 11.4cm x 3.7m 1 Each

AMD Kerlix Rolls 11.4cm x 3.7m 1 Each

Currently out of stock. Please reach out to the wound care consultant for alternative.


Type of Product: Antimicrobial Gauze Dressings Impregnated with 0.2% Polyhexamethylene Biquanide (PHMB)

Use: For wounds with signs and symptoms (S&S) of local wound infection. 

May be used prophylactically to prevent infection in clients at high risk for developing a wound infection. 

May be left in place for up to 3 days depending upon the amount of exudate

Frequency of Dressing Change:

Change at least every 3 days as the Polyhexamethylene Biquanide (PHMB) remains effective depending upon the amount of exudate

Product information sheet:


Do not use with Dakin’s Solution or bleach solutions as these solutions will deactivate Polyhexamethylene Biquanide (PHMB). If using a hypochlorous wound cleanser, wound must be rinsed with normal saline before applying AMD Kerlix. 

Do not use with ointments, creams, powders, sprays, or petrolatum-based dressings

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