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Edema Wear-Small: up to 45cm/Navy (foot to knee) 1 pk of 2

Edema Wear-Small: up to 45cm/Navy (foot to knee) 1 pk of 2

**Each package of small contains 1 pair

Type of Product:  Latex-free Tubular Compression Stocking Provides Mild Longitudinal Compression (~10--20mm/Hg )

Use: Venous insufficiency or mixed disease

Frequency of Dressing Change

Stocking can be worn all day/all night and the stocking should be removed/ repositioned at least once a day

The stocking can be left in place for up to one week.

Single patient use, hand wash, may be worn daily for up to 4-6 months before needing to be replaced. 

Product information sheet:


Must be worn from base of toes- 2cm below knee; do not cut shorter. 

A lower limb assessment including an APBI should be completed before compression applied

A physician/NP order or clinical direction from a Wound Clinician is required to apply a compression stocking

Do not use in the presence of uncontrolled heart failure

Do not use in the presence of an untreated lower limb skin or wound infection

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